Creative and content review for Higher Education

Collaborate on instructional videos, promotional content, or creative work in the classroom - all in one easy-to-use platform. Get started today and take advantage of our Educational discounts.


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Proven at the world's largest higher-education institutions.

"No matter how big or small the institution, Wipster should be the first choice for ramping up production in teaching and learning. Your faculty clients will love this professional review platform, and it will help retain your production staff too."
William "Biff" Farrell
Director of Video and Academic Multimedia Specialist
"Before Wipster, students would bring their projects to a scheduled review hour, where faculty and staff would watch their videos one by one. Now the review process is asynchronous, and faculty can watch and comment on student work beforehand, which has improved the review process. And now there's a record of written comments on the piece for the student to refer back to. The interactions between faculty and students, and among students, has come a long way"
Joe Briganti
Director of Video
“Wipster has enabled a huge step change in efficiency. When the demand for digital content grew exponentially, reducing that email back and forth was extremely valuable - plus it provided an insurance policy for the team, with clear evidence of feedback and versions.”
Nando Azevedo
Production Manager

Fast, accurate & easy collaboration on creative content

  • Upload creative assets and distribute for review
  • Collect stakeholder feedback, and create tasks to track progress
  • Verify the changes (by comparing versions side-by-side)
  • Get approval with clear audit trail
  • Distribute the final, approved version

Centralized, easy to use content hub


Manage video feedback for multiple clients with Wipster’s centralized video feedback hub.

Wipster integrations


Wipster integrates with the tools you use the most. Save time on logistics and spend more time creating.

wipster multi-team


Multi-team management ensures your video projects are seen by the right clients.

wipster side by side versioning


Get feedback on the right version and easily toggle between prior versions with Wipster.


We play nicely with others.

Wipster integrates seamlessly with the collaboration tools you use most.

Ready to get started? 

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