4 min read

A Video-First Asset Management System: Does your Company Need One?

Do you have a hard time finding the right video file in your cluttered internal server?

Do you spend half your time emailing stakeholders, team, or remote employees getting feedback and relaying it?

Do you wish you had a system in place where you could easily find required video files, collaborate with team and stakeholders seamlessly, and automate this entire process so you spend most of your time making videos?

Then the short answer is, you need a video-first media management system urgently.

From internal communication and HR to marketing and sales, you need video content everywhere. But when brands are working on multiple video files at one time, they run into massive organization chaos. Messy notes with video stages, multiple emails with stakeholders and team members, important video files missing at crucial moments, lack of alignment in further steps required in post-production, and precious hours lost trying to organize your entire video library and keeping track of what to produce and when to push it out to the audience.

Doing it all manually is a frustrating experience. You’re spending most of your time just managing your video workflow and hoping to produce satisfactory work, instead of scaling your video content with extraordinary work. An all-in-one video-first media asset management solution (like Wipster) organizes it all and helps you focus on producing awe-inspiring video content and scaling it.

When Travis Petershagen, digital media services manager at Microsoft Production Studios, was asked reasons for choosing to invest in a media asset management (MAM) system, he said,

“When we start up a project, we do a lot of manual creation of project folders and file structure and the security, creating who has access to those particular shares. It’s all just very manual activity that, it just seems obvious, shouldn’t be manual. So that’s one. Another one is not having visibility into what’s in the system at any given time because of the lack of metadata, or metadata handling.

I may have 100 projects going through a production facility at any given time, and because there’s not a centralized system managing this, or making any order of it, it’s hard for me to tell you at any given time where a project is in the production process, what content’s being worked on in this facility, how I can access some of that if I wanted without going to find a human to tell me more about it.”

A Video-First Multi-ASset Management (MAM) system - Taming Video Organization Chaos

A video-first MAM system organizes video files and makes post-production process a breeze. It intuitively understands the information you need to make video-centric decisions, and gives you updates and activity that caters to a video-focused business. Video-first MAM’s are the solution to forcing your video content into often outdated or clunky MAM platforms that don’t consider the video workflow journey.

Think of it as a Google Drive designed specifically for your video content. You can store all your video files in one place, search for them, and see them at one glance. You can tag team members and stakeholders in relevant videos for feedback. Everyone concerned can view which video file is at what stage and push out completed videos ASAP to your audience.

A video-first MAM is a perfect solution for companies who struggle to manage their video files efficiently and would like to scale up their video content without increasing their team or budget.

And, how do you find the perfect video-first MAM system for your video needs? Look for the following features:

1. Easy Access to Video Content

Video comes in a lot of different shapes, sizes, formats, and resolution levels. It needs to be tagged according to its metadata so it’s easily discoverable. Teams often waste time (and by extension, money) trying to find video files in their massive internal server and re-uploading them to different distribution channels.

Look for a video-first MAM system that has a simple interface and all your files are easily searchable according to their stage, format, type, date, name, and keywords. Wipster’s central dashboard helps you stay up to date with all your media files, video activity, publishing analytics, and feedback.

2. Central Storage Tailored for Video Projects

Each video goes through several production stages. Each video campaign often consists of several different videos. When you’re juggling more than one client or simply creating your own brand videos, the number of videos in your digital library can be unmanageable. You’re also working on multiple videos at one time and you need to see what stage they’re at with a glance. Some files are saved in one folder, for others you need to hunt your emails, and some are completely inaccessible — hidden in someone’s hard drive.

This is where having a central cloud-based location for storing all your video files comes in handy.

3. Control of Video Viewership

Define permissions to who can view, work on, and edit which video files. No need to send the entire video file or digital library to team members or stakeholders and lose the security of your content.

Just tag team members in videos where their input is required and tag stakeholders only when their feedback is essential. This speeds up post-production and review and approval process and allows you to push out videos at a faster pace.

4. Instant Feedback on the Video Content Itself

Comment, tag, and reply back on the video with real-time annotations. This makes sure everyone’s on the same page and speeds up review and approval process massively.

Seamless Integrations with other Video-First Platforms

A video-first MAM system like Wipster uploads polished and perfected video content on social media platforms such as Facebook, Youtube, Twitter, and Brightcove; integrates it with messaging platforms like Slack to receive video activity instantly to your company’s channel, and integrates with Adobe CC editing software to streamline your post-production process.

The best part of a video-first MAM system is that it’s an all-in-one system — you don’t need to switch between multiple software platforms.

5. Track Video Content Success (or Failure)

Monitoring video content performance is a crucial part of running a video campaign. A truly integrated video-first MAM software will help you track all the important metrics of a video and give them to you in a neat little package. No need to get confused with complex data that nobody understands. Wipster’s aggregated HealthScores is a perfect example of this.

Look for one that helps you track all the key metrics and provides the best possible result in layman terms.

Does Your Company Need To Invest in a MAM?

A video-first MAM system,

  • Saves you money

Time saved is money saved. Less time chasing and losing files ensures that you get back to work and spend your hours doing work that matters.

  • Increases team productivity

Team members can focus on the work they need to do and everyone’s on the same page. With additional features, like our integration with Slack, communicating with team members and stakeholders while also receiving updates on projects is infinitely easier.  

  • Boosts workflow efficiency

Automating organization tasks leaves you more time to create great video content and focus on increasing your video ROI. More content out of the door, more success for your business. Simple.

A plethora of businesses have started investing in Wipster to get more video content out of their doors faster. Xero, NBC Universal, and Shimano are some of the many businesses who have seen insane business growth after overhauling their video workflow and automating it. A MAM system makes video production super-efficient and super-easy. So if you’re working on various video files at one time and looking to scale up x10, having a MAM system at your disposal is the best investment you can make for your business.

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