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Project Workflow For Remote Creative Teams

Wipster For Project Workflow


Now that many of us are working remotely, managing projects can be even more challenging. Many of you are feeling the added pressure of moving your teams to remote work, increased demand for internal communications, and scrambling to move in-person events to a digital environment while continuing to make sure that your projects stay on track. 

Successful project management often hinges on effective governance of review cycles. For those responsible for making sure creative comments get addressed, the appropriate stakeholders are informed, and timelines are maintained, Wipster has built-in tools to help your team succeed. 

Here are a few tips and tricks to help you flourish in these challenging times! 

Wipster's Platform for creative workflow in remote environments

Organizing Assets

Use Wipster’s media library folder system to organize assets by project number, name, deadline, or any other system that syncs with your existing project management workflow. You can also create subfolders within the main directory to further delineate content, for example, ‘graphics’ or ‘social media assets.’ 

Wipster supports video as well as audio, PDF and image files, so you can keep all project assets within a single folder structure. This way, teams can easily find what they are looking for without needing your help. 

Bookmarking your most active projects is another great way to speed up access to files you need every day. Simple click the ellipses in the upper right-hand corner of the folder in the media library, then select ‘Bookmark’ from the drop-down that will appear. This feature is especially helpful if you share Wipster with several different teams and project managers. 


Managing Review Cycles

From the Wipster dashboard, you’ll immediately be able to see a feed of all recent views, uploads, and comments. To go deeper, access a project folder in the media library to open up a list or grid view of the folder’s content. Each asset will be tagged by its review or approval state so that you can see the exact status at a glance. Click into an asset to know the review state by a team member or reviewer--select their icon to reveal a popup showing if they’ve viewed or commented on the asset. 

Wipster's version comparison

Wipster’s sharing and review tools are easy and intuitive for even non-technical stakeholders to use. Once an asset gets shared via an email or a link, reviewers click on the asset to make comments. Note: Reviewers don’t have to login with Wipster to review content, we ask for their name and email (optional), so you know who is commenting. 

You can also send files for approval with commenting turned off, which will (politely) force reviewers to approve the file with no further feedback. Use our ‘send for preview’ to allow users to download assets with no comments.

Finally, for those reviewers who need a little encouragement, our ‘nudge’ feature allows you to send a friendly email reminder from our system asking for feedback. From within the review screen, click on the reviewer’s circle icon on the right, then click the ‘nudge’ button. 

Wipster Feedback Statuses

We’re Here to Help!

You can rest assured that our platform is built to manage the recent uptick in remote work. Our encoding and hosting platforms autoscale as demand increases, and are also geo-redundant, meaning that data and content get stored in multiple regions. We strive to deliver quickly and efficiently, no matter where you are.  

As always, our support staff is ready to help with your questions and needs; you can reach us via the in-application chat feature, our support center, or email support@wipster.io. And should you need additional licenses in this time of need, please reach out to sales@wipster.io

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