6 min read

The 3 Step Guide to the Ultimate Wipster Experience

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[Note: Some aspects of this blog are now archived and no longer current]

We at Wipster want to be your one-stop-solution for content review and approval (R&A). We specialise in R&A and we’re the best solution in the market for an intuitive user experience. No overloaded dashboard, no confusing buttons, or cluttered UI additions. Just a clean, elegant solution for your R&A needs.

“The best thing about Wipster is that it’s so intuitive and user-friendly. Anyone seeing it for the first time gets it immediately”
— Jason Keener, TimeINC

As part of this journey, in the last year alone we’ve overhauled our project screen, released an exclusive integration with Vimeo, and launched the fully integrated review panel for Adobe Premiere Pro and After Effects. Then came a bunch more updates and finally the Slack integration.

Future projects for 2017 include dedicated iOS and Android apps, multi-asset support (review designs, audio work like podcasts and ebook mockups!), scheduling features, lite-touch project management and a bunch more integrations. It’s going to be slick, intuitive and make your content creation workflow sooo much easier.

This is all on top of our usual awesome features - pinpoint commenting directly on top of the video, viewership analytics on of your projects, no sign in for reviewers (and you can add as many as you want for free), real-time notifications, content-rich email notifications, team-only private commenting, approval check off process and a dynamic to-do list… (deep breath).

So now that you know the basics, let’s set up your account to harness the full power of what Wipster has to offer.

1. Choosing the right plan 

We have 6 plans that will slot into your workflow and content needs.

Annual Pricing


Monthly Pricing


Our annual or monthly options allow for ultimate flexibility. Why cost-per-video (CPV)? We believe in the power of a rapid R&A process so we place our value on the upload and completion of your content. This is as opposed to charging for storage space or limiting people on your account which we believe hinders the creative collaboration process.

Cool stuff to note about Annual Pricing:

  • Annual plans receive two months free (it’s the monthly plan x 10 months as opposed to 12).
  • Annual plans receive the entire year’s bulk video allocation in one fell swoop, meaning you have full flexibility on your workload month to month (one month 30 projects, the next only 3).
  • As you go up in plan tiers, the more your CPV drops.
  • You can upgrade at any time - your subscription will be prorated. Just head to Settings > Upgrade to change your plan.

Cool stuff to note about Monthly Pricing:

  • Monthly plans allow for flexible month to month workflow.
  • Have a particularly busy month and run out of your video allocation? Just add-on another video for $5 (including free versions!). Add-ons are unlimited and available on every tier when paying monthly.
  • You can upgrade or downgrade month to month as your needs change - and when you upgrade, your subscription will be prorated. Just head to Settings > Upgrade to change your plan.

Versions don’t count towards your video count - they’re unlimited. A version is when you upload a new edit of the same video on top of the old one. Our versioning system allows you to keep track of all your iterations, previous feedback, and to-do list items. 

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What plan fits you best?

Many of our small business and freelancer customers are signing up to the $250 annual account. This allows them to have flexibility when their workload changes month to month (some busy months need 15 video uploads, others need only 2). These customers can also add all their clients to individualised folders for a specialised client relationship experience - all team members and reviewers are unlimited and free!
This plan averages out to $20.83 a month.

The freelancer network guide


Our bigger-scale customers, including large production companies, in-house marketing teams and agencies often use our annual pricing in the higher tiered brackets as it fits in with their yearly invoicing. At this point the CPV comes into play, and at $2.92 per video on our $3,500 plan is currently the most popular among this group of customers.

And of course, they can add all of their collaborators, stakeholders, freelancers, managers, editors and more at no extra cost - entire teams and departments use Wipster to keep their video content humming.

The larger company network guide

If you have more than 50 employees in your company and a fast moving video content team, we can assign your team a Wipster contact who can get you up and running ASAP on the perfect plan for your needs. Sound like it could fit your company? Apply here for your Wipster account manager.

2. Setting up your teams

With unlimited team members and unlimited reviewers, Wipster gives you the freedom of collaborating with everyone you need on the platform. But first, let’s start with the basics:

What is a team member?

  • A team member has their own profile in Wipster and, depending on the access you give them, they can upload videos and invite people to review them, access certain folders, and complete items in the to-do list. They also have access to all our integrations and team features, such as @mentioning and private team-only commenting.
  • Team members can be limited access to certain folders only. This is great for our small business customers who add their regular clients to their own specialised folder and also for our larger customers who can give certain departments or external collaborators limited access.
  • Team members can also have access to all of our integrations including Premiere Pro, After Effects, Vimeo and Slack.

What is a reviewer?

A reviewer is usually someone external to your team who comes in to review your work and provide feedback. This can be a client, or someone else within your company.

  • They don't need an account or login to access Wipster.
  • This is ideal for clients or stakeholders who only need to add feedback and approve content and need as seamless an experience as possible.

Here’s a checklist to get your Wipster team together:

  1. Set up some folders on the main Wipster dashboard. Name them after upcoming projects, campaigns or regular clients you may have.
  2. Head to Settings and into ‘Team Members’
  3. Add all your collaborators/clients/stakeholders so they can get their individualised Wipster profile and access - we recommend following our Wipster network guides in the ‘What plan suits you best?’ section.
  4. Limit or expand their access through the drop down option - make them an admin, give them full access to all folders, or give them guest access to specific folder/s.
  5. Voila! It’s that easy.

3. The best of uploading and sharing content

The simplicity of Wipster means that uploading and sharing a video is pretty darn obvious - so going through that step by step wouldn’t be a good use of your time. So let’s highlight the best features of the uploading and sharing process that you may not already know about.

Our best tips and tricks

We’ve previously covered our best efficiency shortcuts here - including optimising the upload and processing stages, customising your company logo and disabling share links.

Viewership analytics


On the left of each video you have a overview of all your team members and reviewers who have been invited to give feedback. If you click on their bubble you can see if they’ve viewed the video (eye icon), if they’ve commented (the comment icon) and if they’ve approved the video (the thumbs up). In this example, when sharing the video the option of the approval button was not selected - so this is not applicable for this video. You can also ‘nudge’ each viewer to remind them to leave feedback!

The approval button

One of the most important parts of the R&A process is, of course, the approval. Never chase stakeholders and clients through endless meetings and email trails for approval again!

When you go to share a video, there are a selection of checkboxes to consider. Our customers often use the approval button in the (expected) final version of the video, but it can be used for approving each level of version to ensure everyone is on the same page and moving to the next iteration.

Pinpoint commenting and a delicious to-do list

One of our most intuitive features is our pinpoint comments that feed into an easy to understand to-do list of review actions.

Simply click, write a comment, and push enter. If you @mention a team member they will also receive a notification to check out the comment you tagged them in. In the example above you can also see that reviewers and team members can attach images for reference when commenting.


Comments then get automatically placed in a to-do list for team members to scroll through and mark as complete when the task has been attended to. Check out those lovely little thumbnails and the ability in the top right corner to print/save the to-do list onto your desktop. It’s a beautiful thing to behold!

Review and Approval the way it’s supposed to be

Now you’ve got our 3 Step Guide to the Ultimate Wipster Experience the next thing to do is… Get started! Sign up today, check out our education centre for more details on Frequently Asked Questions, or contact a Wipster support person if you have any burning queries.

Here’s some extra homework if you want to get completely up to date on R&A and content marketing collaboration:

R&A Goodness

We’re proud to announce full support for closed captions in multiple languages & file formats in the Wipster platform. Starting today, Wipster customers can easily drag-and-drop caption files (.srt and .vtt) to any video file in Wipster.


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