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Top 5 Brand Videos of 2017 That Will Inspire You in 2018

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Year after year we see brands come up with the craziest (and brilliant) video concepts and bag awards, go viral, and smash all marketing records there are.

This year was no different.

Several brands came up with out-of-the-box video concept, extraordinary video direction, and completely blew us away.

Here are 5 popular brand videos of 2017 that you need to watch ASAP!

LG, “Nano Cell Super Match”

‘According to research, about 60% of people watch TV at an angle, not straight on. LG Nano Cell TV, with its wide viewing angle, presents accurate colors even when viewed from a 60-degree angle.’

Release Date: 31 July 2017
Views: Over 21 million

One of LG’s most popular video in 2017 compares the superior technology of their nano cell TV with conventional TVs through an interesting match of strategy and accuracy. Steven Gerrard and Adam Lallana of Liverpool play against each other in LG’s Nano Cell Super Match and where they had to kick balls at 60 degree on two 9 panelled TV screens; conventional and Nano Cell LG screen.

Needless to say, a great concept and everybody’s favorite players pitted against each other in this exciting pseudo game, went viral.

Volvo, “Moments”

In the launch campaign for the New Volvo XC60 – one of the safest cars ever made – we celebrate everything that can happen in life, when accidents don’t. Because sometimes the moments that never happen, matter the most.

Release date: June, 2017
Views: 818k

Sometimes the moments that never happen, matter the most.

Ending on this soul-stirring note, this spot from Volvo is one of the best videos of 2017, hands down. It’s a 3 minute video, showing a conversation between a mother and her daughter on the first day of her school, who tries to imagine her whole life in front of her. Friends. Travelling. Falling in love. Buying a house. Having a daughter. We watch her imagination come to life.

But, as soon as she steps out of the house to go to school, another women in the new XC60 volvo model almost runs her down. The automated braking system of this new Volvo model manages to avert this life-changing collision.

This cinematic video isn’t just pointing out Volvo’s superior automotive parts, but working towards creating a traffic-accident free world where over 1.3 million people die in road crashes each year.

This soulful video ad received a ton of positive acclaim and the 719 comments it received are a testament of that.


Apple, “Animoji Yourself”

Animoji: noun  an.i.emo·ji  \ an-i-ē-ˈmō-jē \

iPhone X’s True Depth camera analyzes more than 50 different muscle movements to mirror your expressions in 12 Animoji. Reveal your inner panda, pig, or robot.

Apples promotes their most expensive iPhone model ever and it’s exclusive features by creating a series of unusual, viral-worthy YouTube videos.

This 38 second shot shows an ‘animoji karaoke’ - a phenomenon where iPhone X users can use animojis to lip sync to their favorite songs. Here several different types of emojis and lip syncing to the popular tune "All Night" by Big Boi. They jumped on the emoji karaoke fad, a few weeks after iPhone X users had taken over social media channels by storm by uploading a variety of interesting clips playing around with this feature.


Not the most original idea or even the best video they’ve uploaded, but it definitely was the most popular on their YouTube channel. This clearly shows that following the latest fads and keeping a close eye on what your consumers are obsessed with, can definitely help you create a super-popular video.

And by the end of the video, you’ll either hate iPhone or want to plonk out $1000 to buy iPhone X, asap.

PlayStation, “Gravity Cat”

A gravity-defying cat. Cool Instagram-ish filter. Two sisters frantic to control this feline’s foolery. Handheld camerawork.

All mingled together to produce a thoroughly entertaining video ad. One of the best I’ve seen for a PlayStation game in a long, long time.

So, how popular was this weird, albeit riveting, video?

  • Won Gold Pencil at the 2017 One Show Awards
  • Gold, Silver, and Bronze Lions at Cannes Lions Festival of Creativity
  • Two Grand Prize Awards at New York Festival
  • The Grand Prix at the Spikes Asia Festival of Creativity

And counting.

Views: 2.6 million
Release date: January 2017

‘Gravity Cat’, this year’s weirdest and most popular video, is an ad for PlayStation 4 game Gravity Rush 2. Not only did it receive a ton of awards for its cinematic creativity (after all, an entire apartment was turned upside down via a rig) and interesting concept, but a plethora of positive acclaim from critics and advertising blogs. Cool bit of acting by the actresses, as well, who not only had to act opposite to a crazy kitten, but also in a completely revolving set.

MailChimp, “Did You Mean MailChimp?”

MaleCrimp, KaleLimp, SnailPrimp, FailChips, VeilHymn, MailShrimp, JailBlimp, WhaleSynth or NailChamp.

What do YOU call it?

Droga 5, an agency that has produced multiple award-winning brand videos (and we featured them in our Top 3 Ad Agencies), comes back with yet another amazing video campaign. This time it’s MailChimp’s, ‘Did you mean MailChimp?’, a Cyber Grand Prix winner at Cannes International Festival of Creativity 2017.

MailChimp is a brand famous for producing innovation and entertaining videos. They try very hard to not blend in, and this strategy works tremendously for them. In this particular campaign, they reimagine their name in creative and playful ways, drawing inspiration from its 2014 audio ad when people mispronounced its name as ‘MailKimp’.

As Mark DiCristina, senior director of brand marketing at MailChimp, says,

“We have a history of not taking ourselves too seriously and having fun with our name, and this felt like a perfect way to introduce ourselves to potential new customers in a big and creative way.”

Also, fail-chips, veil-hymn and mail-crimp.

Crazy stuff. But, so, so entertaining.

Let us know which one was your favorite and if we missed out on any epic ones!

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