3 min read

4th Avenue Media - An agile approach to delivering video content

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Making videos for businesses can be as simple as connecting a product with its audience. Add a few pretty transitions, a funky little soundtrack and voila – happy client, happy company, happy you. Right?

Seattle’s 4th Avenue Media like to craft their videos differently. For them it’s not just about disseminating messages on behalf of companies. It’s about defining their client’s authentic story, inspiring closer relationships with the client’s customers and employees, and building the company’s internal culture in order to promote external growth. 4th Avenue Media’s vision is that ‘inspired people inspire people’, and as a video production team they work hard to promote vibrant culture within other businesses so that their community as a whole can flourish.

Video producer Spencer Kabelec shares how 4th Avenue creates quality content at a fast pace – this is an agile agency where video content is conceptualised, created and delivered for their clients, and quick turnarounds are commonplace.

“I would describe our video department as... different. I’ve worked on larger commercial sets with big crews and astronomical budgets, and I’ve worked in a one-man-band news environment with same-day deadlines. At 4th Avenue Media, we believe in quality content at a fast pace. Regularly scheduled video content requires quick turnarounds and efficient workflow from concept to completion.”

“For some clients, we produce a weekly internal video hosted by the president of the company, establishing him or her as the chief source of all company communications. These series provide valuable information and engage everyone in the company, across teams and departments, through the power of regular video content.”

“People are hungry for quality content. Whether it’s client success stories, industry news, or even an internal communication series, video uses sight, sound, and emotion to help your audience become more engaged with your brand.”

But 4th Avenue Media goes far deeper than just working with clients – they are dedicated to creating inspiring stories about businesses in their community. The Victory Series is a web series venture on the people behind the business, featuring their work, employees, and the story behind it all.

“Our monthly web series, The Victory Series, highlights business leaders who do business the right way – by treating people like people. These are the types of stories that we LOVE to share. And that’s just it – we’re telling stories. I love crafting well-polished video, but even more powerful is being able to achieve strategic objectives, capturing the emotion necessary to tell a true story and inspire action.”

They also sponsor ‘Motivated Mornings’, an inspirational speaker series where business leaders gather together to foster positive business practices in their companies and the wider community.

All of this is in addition to a working environment with rapid turnarounds and high creativity. 4th Avenue Media are all about high-quality, fast-paced video content and they need high-quality, fast-paced technology to match them punch for punch.

“4th Avenue Media didn’t really have an established process for reviewing videos internally or externally. We would usually upload a video to Vimeo with a password-protected link and try to collect feedback from multiple people via email. It worked, but it just wasn’t very efficient, and it was cluttering our Vimeo channel with drafts of client videos.”

With a workload that included same-day deadlines and constant flow of client feedback, 4th Avenue Media needed to streamline their workflow. That’s where Wipster came in.

“Once I heard about Wipster and saw the video on their homepage, I immediately pitched it to our team. I was so excited about what it could do for our workflow. We started using it for client video reviews, and we haven’t looked back since.”

If we have a ton of specific edits, being able to jog through and check them off as we go is an easy way to ensure all the edits are done. Now they’ve taken it one step further and integrated these checklists into a Premiere Pro panel, so I don’t need to keep switching between my browser and my editing software when making edits; then I can export and upload a new version to Wipster with the click of a button, and go pour myself another cup of coffee while it’s working in the background. It’s revolutionized our video review process.”

“We also love that it’s integrated with Vimeo. Once we’ve created the final version of a client’s video, we can send it over to Vimeo to have on our portfolio. It’s so easy, and our Vimeo account is now a clean portfolio of finished productions.”

With Wipster, 4th Media Avenue finds it easier to communicate with clients, complete revisions faster, and ultimately have higher-quality content out the door in record time.

Find out how Wipster can work with your agency, and help you create inspiring video faster than ever before.

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