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How To Meet Your Team's Video Content Demands

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By 2022, online videos will make up an estimated 82% of all consumer internet traffic — 15 times higher than it was in 2017. Video already shows more engagement and conversions than any other type of content. Compared to a text and image post, social video produces 1200% more shares.  Conversion ratesincrease with video by up to 80%

Also, the ROI of video continues to get clearer. One study found utilizing video increases revenue 49% faster than not using video marketing at all.

Enterprise to small and medium businesses are producing over 500 videos per year for communication and marketing purposes. But, producing over 40 videos per month requires an enormous amount of internal review, collaboration, and asset management.

The Challenge of Coordination

Beyond the volume of content required to compete in 2019, companies are facing other challenges to ensure they develop the best videos possible. Nearly 3 out of 4 respondents (74%) in a report by the Content Marketing Institute cited “coordinating content marketing efforts among multiple departments and brands” as the top content marketing issue they face. Respondents stated that “too many department silos” as the biggest challenge.

But that’s just the tip of the iceberg. There are many other variables that content producers face when producing video at scale: 

  • Most teams go through at least five rounds of review for a project to be approved.

  • Projects may be late or derailed by poor communication due to using multiple platforms for collaborating on video and providing feedback in long email threads. 

  • Stakeholders demanding last-minute changes, rerouting the hours and efforts of your team. 

Inefficiencies and lack of streamlined review process can cause stress on teams, delays, confusion, and content bottlenecks. Without the right systems in place, frustration, overwork and possible missed deadlines are the result. 

Fortunately, Wipster’s modern review and approval platform provides ideal solutions no matter the business size. 

Reducing Review Cycles with Streamlined Review & Approval 

MLB Network

MLB Network doubled their production of digital, social, and internal video communications year over year since 2017. With the real-time publishing demands of professional baseball, ensuring content goes live quickly while meeting the needs of 10+ stakeholders is critical to success. MLB turned to Wipster for collaborating and providing feedback on a single platform, reducing friction in the review process and helping green-light content on fast production turnaround timelines.    

Our team thinks Wipster is brilliant - especially the business groups; they love not having to provide time codes. We’ve streamlined our workflow and can work much faster and more cohesively.”
— Kristen Wendland, MLB Network’s Director of Marketing & Promotions.
Comparing versions in Wipster. See more features.


Video strategy is a huge part of Sephora’s success in growing to more than 2,600 stores in 34 countries in a highly competitive market. Sephora went from producing 24 videos per year to more than 700 over the course of three years. With higher content production, they turned to Wipster to help them scale their video review and approval process.

With the number of videos we’re creating now, we need to be operating smarter and not harder in that respect. So in order to keep our workflow and processes sustainable, we rely heavily on tools like Wipster to keep our workflow on the back-end scalable.”
— Stacey Lee, Senior Video Manager at Sephora.

Creating a smooth post-production workflow plays a major part in their successful user engagement strategy. Today, Sephora connects with customers at every opportunity, with new content constantly hitting consumer’s screens. For Sephora’s video content strategy, that means meeting their customers where they are, whether it’s on their YouTube Channel or a clip on Instagram showing off the latest lipstick. Sephora relies on Wipster to make sure that all members of their teams are on the same page and can provide the right notes to meet their audience needs:

It’s about making sure my art director and marketing manager are across everything and then, of course, our post-production team needs to get time-coded notes very clearly and quickly,” said Lee.
— Stacey Lee, Senior Video Manager at Sephora

Wipster reduces stress & creates more joyful teams

With Wipster, video and marketing teams can streamline the review process by providing a single platform for all stakeholders to collaborate and provide feedback on video, photos, audio, PDFs, and more. Wipster's frame-specific commenting also speeds up the time it takes to publish and allows higher output of content since the back-and-forth email threads are a thing of the past. 

Thread of comments on a video in Wipster

Less stress around the review and approval process means not only more output but it also fosters better work and more creativity within your teams.

If you want to try out Wipster with your team, sign up for a free 14-day team trial, or contact sales for a personalized demo and discussion of all your video workflow needs.

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