1 min read

NBCUniversal: Constant Video Innovation to Stay Ahead

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Business is booming at NBCUniversal. With three production arms, five original shows, a retro tv station, and a commercial production house, they have no shortage of content. Pumping out content is the raison d’etre for this well-established media company (Universal is the longest-running film studio in the US, and NBC has been one of the country’s ‘big three’ tv networks since it began in 1926), and they play to this strength with new shows and ideas always in the works.

What is changing – and at a rapid rate – is the way audiences consume their media, the influx of competition from nontraditional sources, such as brands and new media companies, and new platforms and technology appearing on the scene all the time. NBCUniversal knows how critical it is to stay on top of media trends and to constantly look at ways to streamline their productions.

In this case study we’re going to learn how NBCUniversal:

  • Connect their New York and Los Angeles studios
  • Embrace new technologies like 4K, UHD, and VR
  • Produce content more efficiently than ever before

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