2 min read

Wipster for video teams: how to work better, together

Creating video is a team job. From briefing and brainstorming with a client to shooting, post, revisions and final delivery, many steps and many hands are required. Working together to arrange beauty out of chaos can often be an overwhelming task. Wipster helps post-production teams refine and simplify that chaos by bringing it all to one shared workspace. Teams work quickly, closely and easily by connecting their workflow with Wipster.

That’s just fancy talk, you say? Let me show you the ways Wipster can help you and your team to become an even more productive unit.

Collaborate in one place

NEW – Team-only commenting

Sometimes a little privacy is a good thing. With team-only commenting, you can collaborate privately with your team members on the same video you’re sharing with your clients. Now you can designate tasks to members of your team, chat over artistic direction, and secretly disagree with feedback (we won’t tell!) – all without bothering your reviewers.

One central to-do list

The feedback from your reviewers becomes an actionable to-do list of tasks for the team to complete. Now that the whole team has access you have a transparent workflow where you can assign and complete tasks and scan over project progress, all in one place. As team members such as editors or graphics artists finish their work, they check off the necessary task – and who doesn’t love clicking that big green check mark?

Project management made easy

Wipster's workflow management software grows as you grow

Wipster team accounts are flexible and scalable. Make a team up of permanent staff, contractors, and freelancers, and give people access to the whole account, or just certain projects. Monthly per-seat pricing means you can easily add or remove team members as your workload requires.

Wipster review and approval software for project management

Shared projects

Arrange your folders within your Wipster workspace to match your clients, projects and objectives. Get the whole team involved so that everyone can see where a project is at, whether it’s the producer having a broad overview, or the editors doing the daily work-in-progress. Got a freelance editor on board for a month? Give them access to just the folders they need to work with your team, and none they don’t.

Manage sharing and permissions

Once the editor has uploaded the latest version, producers can send the video to the client for review. Select exactly what you want the client to see and do – turn on commenting, disable downloads, or set up a password to add an extra layer of protection.

Stack versions neatly

With our version stacking, it’s easy to keep track of new edits and old feedback (meaning it couldn’t be easier to see when a client has exceeded their revisions allocation!). Every single version is stacked neatly, with all comments, conversations, dates and times intact, so you can refer back with a single click.

Accessible archive

Accessing old projects is easy with the Wipster archive. Now there’s one place where everyone can retrieve client video, refer to previous work, or back up video files.

Integrated with your favourite tools

Adobe Premiere Pro

Equip your editors with Wipster Review Panel for Adobe Premiere Pro and get the latest edit in a flash. They can upload straight to Wipster, and we’ll do the encoding, uploading and sharing behind the scenes. Now all of the team have visibility on the latest activity from within Wipster, and feedback automatically becomes actionable markers on the editor’s Premiere Pro timeline.

Wipster integrates with Adobe Premiere


Now Vimeo Pro and Plus members can have all of their team members publish straight from Wipster to Vimeo. As well, Vimeo Pro members can access and upload all of their Vimeo videos to Wipster through the Look Folder.

With tools like these for your video team, no-one will remember how they ever lived without it.

Add team-members to your account today and harness the full collaborative powers of Wipster.

Don’t have a Wipster account? Sign up today and get your team started with an efficient workflow process using Wipster. As always, the first 14 days are on us.

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