9 min read

How to Turn 1 Video Into 6 Different Pieces of Revenue-Boosting Content

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Don’t put all your thought leadership eggs in that one, large basket. Like a salad at a fancy restaurant, deconstruct that white paper and instead create an array of info snacks that you can sprinkle across the Web.
— Jay Baer, Convince and Convert

You upload the video on YouTube, and sigh with relief.

You’ve spent hours creating an outline, writing the script,  recording the video and painstakingly editing every little part of it to make it perfect. You’re finally done. Now it’s time to sit back and watch the video work it’s marketing magic.

You’ll get views and some engagement on your video. You might even get several clicks to your website and a couple of inquiries regarding your products and services.

But, what if I tell you there's a way to multiply x10 the reach and success of your video with the least possible effort? Interested? Hell yes!

You can repurpose your video into several other forms of killer content with minimum effort and reach out to a massive audience. This is known as atomization in the digital world. The process of creating multiple, strategic pieces of content by using one content.

Why atomize content?


  • It’s budget-friendly
  • You can consistently create content without spending too much time and effort on it
  • You can reach out to a huge audience through different platforms

So, without further ado, let’s discuss 6 killer types of content you can create through 1 awesome video.

1. Catchy Infographics

‘Infographics are liked and shared on social media 3X more than other any other type of content.’ — Hubspot

Why turn your video into an infographic?


1. Infographics are super-easy to create. We’ll discuss how in just a minute.
2. They’ve got the potential to go viral. Think Pinterest, Instagram, Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn. Basically everywhere.

The following entries are top performing infographics in the marketing niche. They’ve all been shared over 1000 times (and in multiple cases, over 5000 times) in each of the popular social media platforms. This shows the marketing power of a creative infographic.

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Buffer, a social scheduling super-awesome tool, also demonstrates the sheer power of infographics through a small experiment. It involved two facebook posts and some nifty A\B testing.

One was an infographic and the other a plain old picture post.

  • The infographic post got 20 shares and 78 likes, while
  • The picture post got a meh 3 shares and only 11 likes

Result? Infographic is the obvious winner with almost 7x more engagement.



3. In a world where people are suffering from information overload, infographics stand out  and get your message across effectively. Why? Because according to a recent research, 2 out of 5 people respond better to visual information than plain text.


So, how do you turn your video into an infographic without losing your mind, money or time?

Step 1: Get clear about the infographic content

You can turn your entire video into an infographic, or just use the major topics discussed in the video. You can even research stats and quotes related to your video topic and just use those to create an infographic.

Here’s a short list of resources to help you unearth stats related to your industry and topic.

Step 2: Create a fun infographic

There are several free and paid online tools to help you create an infographic in a jiffy. Some of the best ones are,

They’ve all got different plans and user-friendly interfaces to help out even the most tech-unsavvy of people.

Step 3: Promote it

Embed them on your website, share them on social media channels and add a link to it in your YouTube video’s description box. And, you’re good to go.

The demand for infographics has increased 800% in the past year. And this is the best way and time to start investing in infographics.

2. Audience-friendly blog posts

45% of marketers say blogging is their #1 most important content strategy.
 Social Media Examiner

Next, turn your video into a blog post.

Writing a blog post isn’t as easy as it looks from afar. Researching, creating an outline, writing the post, and then finally shoving it through multiple rounds of edit. It’s time consuming. Trust me, I know.

But, you can skip all of that by getting your video transcribed and using that transcript as your post. If you’re on a budget you can outsource transcription on,

Once you receive your transcribed file, either edit it yourself or get it edited through the same platforms. Add stats, quotes, and additional content in the post if you feel the need. If your video’s too long, you can even turn it into a series of blog posts.

And, voila, your blog post is ready.

Keep in mind,
‘Long-form blog posts generate 9x more leads than short-form blog posts.’ — Curata

Once your post is up, don’t just upload it on your website and wait for leads to roll in. Get aggressive with your marketing. Promote it everywhere; on your social media platforms, to your email subscribers, send it to influencers, etc. You can also upload the same post on LinkedIn and Medium.

3. Delectable, bite-sized videos for social media

83% of marketers said they’d create more video content if there were no obstacles like time, resources, and budget
— Buffer

And how do you get past these obstacles? By repurposing your longer videos into shorter, social media friendly videos.

60% of marketers used videos in their social media marketing in 2016, and that percentage is bound to increase with each passing year.

So if you’ve been creating visual content for social media and would love to save time or you haven’t yet ventured into the murky waters of social media marketing with videos, read on. There are several effective ways to cut up your long videos and repurpose them into shorter ones for social media.

You can,

1. Chop your video into relevant pieces

Short on time? Just literally cut up your video and post it on social media. So if your longer video discusses several different topics, split it and chop it into that many parts.

For example, the video ‘14 Guerrilla Marketing Tactics for Entrepreneurs’ is 15 minutes long.

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Each tactic is discussed for approximately a minute. So you can easily break this video up into 14 short videos. Just add a couple of seconds long introduction explaining what guerrilla marketing is to each of the 14 parts.

And, you’ve got enough video content for two weeks (if you post a video each day.) You can add a link to the original YouTube video in the description of your social media videos posts to increase views and engagement on it, as well!

2. Use content from your video and create shorter ones

If it’s not possible to cut your videos directly, use your video content or the transcribed file to create shorter videos.

For example, in one of our own videos, Episode 24 of The Daily Wip, Rollo teaches ‘How to build your content machine’. In this, he discusses 4 essential pillars of a successful, money-making content machine.

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With this video, we have the option to either cut it into 4 pieces or use the content to create a series of 4 short videos talking about those 4 pillars individually. Like, part 1, part 2, part 3 and part 4 of building your content machine. This way we can discuss a bit more in each of the videos and adjust the time limit accordingly.

At the starting of each video, we can add a short introduction and at the end a short questions asking audience their tactics or experiences using this tactic, and the link to the original YouTube video.

We can also create a short video just going over the 4 pillars slightly and linking to the original video for people who want to learn about it in depth.

This will increase engagement on social media and drive traffic towards our YouTube video.

3. Behind the scenes

Create a short video showing behind-the-scenes of your longer videos. It doesn’t require a lot of extra work. Just ask someone in your team to make a video of you when you’re shooting your video. And edit the funny bits and pieces together to create a fun BTS of your longer videos.

RedBull uses this strategy successfully in their videos. One of the examples is ‘The Making of Chain Reaction: Behind the Scenes’.

A bit like inception, but so much fun.

4. Create a fun Q & A session

Make a list of all the comments you received on your video, and discuss them in a short video. Answer their queries and share their experiences (with their permission, of course).

You can even turn these into live sessions on Facebook, SnapChat, Instagram and Periscope. Since everyone loves free promotion, this will also encourage people to engage with you on your videos and participate.  

Pro tip:
Use hashtags aggressively.

If you’re using the same video on multiple platforms, use the same hashtag. And ask your followers and team members to use the same hashtag. This will help you in branding your business and also allow you to track the social media activity around these videos.

Videos up to 2 minutes long get the most engagement — Wistia

So keep this in mind while creating, chopping and editing these short videos.

4. Quiz

75% of marketers using interactive content plan to increase their use of the medium in the coming year. -— Content Marketing Institute

Quizzes are one of the most popular forms of interactive content. After Buzzfeed’s crazy success through these fun (and sometimes borderline weird) quizzes, brands of all shapes and sizes started using them for marketing purposes.


This is another form of content you can create by recycling your video content. A bit more time-taking but worth every second you put into it. Because it has the potential to,

  • Go viral. ‘In January of 2015, nine of the 10 most shared Facebook publications were quizzes’ - iProspect
  • Multiply your email list several times over. ‘According to LeadQuizzes, the average quiz has a 33.6% lead capture rate.

Get your video transcription and think of ways you can turn your video content into a quiz. However, not every video can be turned into a quiz. Educational, how-to videos work best usually.

You need to figure out 3 basic things for a quiz.

1. Topic

Play with your video topic.

For example, if you’re using the ‘14 guerrilla marketing tactics for entrepreneurs’ video, you can create a personality quiz on ‘What kind of a guerrilla marketer are you?’ or a knowledge-based one on ‘Are you a pro at guerrilla marketing or a loser?’.

Do a Google search with {your topic keyword + quiz} and go though the results that pop up. Can you imitate any of those ideas? Or get inspired from them and create your own?

2. Questions and answers

There are two ways to get questions and answers through your video content. The easy one is just going through your transcript and highlighting areas you think you can turn into questions. Stay away from industry jargons and super-difficult questions. Quizzes are for fun.


You can go through your comments section and unearth interesting questions from your audience to use in the quiz.

3. Result

Make a short video of the result. Link it to your original video. Add a sign-up box. And you’re done.


There are several quiz builders that will make this process easy-breezy for you. One of the best ones is LeadQuizzes. Here’s a comprehensive guide to help you get started.

5. Podcast

Do you know,

67 million Americans listen to podcasts monthly? This number is up 11% from last year. And last year saw a 14% increase in podcast audience, as well.

So with each passing year, hordes and hordes of people are coming towards the world of podcasts.


And marketers are capitalising on it.

When eBay started their audio podcast program, ‘Open for Business’ which focuses on a different aspect of starting a business, they reached more than 200 percent of its download goal in the first season only.

And they’re not the only one. Several brands (big and small, both) saw heaps of success when they started using podcasts to get their brand message across.

Enter You.

You can cut your time and effort in half (or even less) by turning your videos into podcasts. Reap all the benefits of marketing via podcasts with 1\4th of the effort.

Use one of the following tools to convert your YouTube videos into audio.

  • Any Video Converter
  • http://www.youtube-mp3.org/
  • http://keepvid.com/
  • http://www.listentoyoutube.com/
  • https://cloudconvert.org/
  • http://www.youtubedownloaderhd.com/
  • http://youtubedownloader.com/

Once you’ve converted it into an audio, you need to edit it. This is a time-consuming process, so outsource it through Fiverr or UpWork and save time. Ask them to add an intro and an outro, and clean up the audio.

Upload it on iTunes as podcast episodes and you’re done.

Each time you upload a video, you can simultaneously update your podcasts and add episodes there. By just spending a few extra minutes, you can reach out to both of your audiences and establish your presence on two major platforms.

6. Turn its main points into a multiple social media graphics, Slideshare Presentation


One of the easiest ways of repurposing any kind of content is by turning it into a series of great-looking graphics.

All it requires is your video transcript and an image-creating tool.

Highlight areas in your transcript that can be used in graphics and create a list. Statements, quotes, short sayings, stats, and even subtopics work great. If you can summarise concepts and long paragraphs into short snappy sentences, you can add those to the list as well.

Next, use an image-creating tool. I personally love Canva. Can’t rave about it enough. It has fun templates for visual-unfriendly people like me and a host of options for creative people. Choose the social media graphic option (Facebook post or Instagram post), and start creating.

Another great option is PicMonkey. Experiment with both platforms and see what works best for you.

Or as usual, you can outsource them. A lot of freelancers have packages of 10, 20, 50 social media posts a month that you can choose from.  

Once you have the graphics, create a schedule and upload them to all your social media platforms accordingly. You can even schedule them through Buffer or Hootsuite.

Another way to use these graphics is by creating a SlideShare presentation with them. It’s super simple and a great marketing move. Hubspot has put a comprehensive guide to help you get started with SlideShare.

It’s not over, yet

Don’t sit back and relax once you’ve created and uploaded these different pieces of content. Your work isn’t over yet. You now need to promote each piece of content aggressively and constantly test it.  

Just a little effort here will go a long way in building your brand. So don’t skimp on these essentials.

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