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How To Upload, Compare, and Manage Versions

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The great part about versioning in Wipster is that when you upload a new version it will not replace the previous version, but will simply stack it on top of the old version. And, you can upload as many versions as you like! There are two ways to upload a new version in Wipster:

Drag & Drop

The first method is to drag and drop your new file on top of the existing asset in your Wipster Media library.  And that’s it! This will then begin to upload and encode the new version. 

Upload from Desktop or Import from Cloud

The second way to upload a new version is by clicking on the ellipsis in the upper right of an asset and you can choose to upload from your desktop or import a new version stored in the cloud.  

Comparing Versions

After the new version is done encoding, when you click on it, you will be able to view and compare old and new versions using the version drop down.

Note: It’s important to note that only Team Members can compare versions. A reviewer will only see the version you share with them. 

Deleting Versions

If you ever need to delete a version, simply go back to the asset view, check the asset in the upper left and from the side pop-out panel on the left you can delete the version you want to remove. 

Storage Saver

If you want to save storage space, but still want a record of an older version. Go to your account settings, then click on the “Storage” tab. From here you can turn on the “Storage Saver.” This will delete the original video upload files of previous versions, but will keep the compressed versions for viewing. 

That’s all for versions. If you have any other questions, please email or login to chat with us in our app.

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