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Articles tips news and leading industry trends for review approval and collaboration

Posts about

Wipster (3)

New Features: Introducing a brand-new Projects screen

Last week we announced amajor product integration with Vimeo, making your video workflow more...

The 3 Step Guide to the Ultimate Wipster Experience

[Note: Some aspects of this blog are now archived and no longer current]

We at Wipster want to be...

Wipster Tips and Tricks

Wipster has a bunch of features and shortcuts that will take your workflow to the next level. We’ve...

The New Content Network

The rise of the content economy, or why Wipster has changed its business model

Over the last five...

Premiere Pro Masterclass Series: Master the Media Browser

Introducing the Pancake Media Browser

Upload, Share, Review & Publish with the Wipster Free Plan

Nobody likes the client review process. From exporting from your editing software to uploading to...

Commenting with Wipster - 10 Pro Tips

Wipster is known for its unique and intuitive on-video commenting to facilitate streamlined...

The Best of Wipster Weekly

Top 10 Articles of 2015

Wipster Weekly has been delivering tailored video production news to your...

Wipster Goes Unlimited