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Articles tips news and leading industry trends for review approval and collaboration

10 Essential video gadgets for less than $1000

It’s an exciting time to be a video producer. In the last decade or so the equipment needed to...

New Features: Wipster Adds Closed Captions

Wipster launched closed captions adding to the recent new features added to the platform.

How to 10x Your Sales With Irresistible Product Videos

You’re thinking of buying a toaster online.

Top of the range high quality, and you’re willing to...

A Video-First Multi Asset Management System: Does Your Company Need One?

Do you have a hard time finding the right video file in your cluttered internal server?

Guide to Planning a Thought Leadership Video Marketing Campaign

Thought leadership isn’t just a buzzword or fad that will burn out once most marketers adopt...

What amateur film makers are teaching professionals

You might be surprised to learn, that Google is not the most popular search engine in the world,...

Premiere Pro Masterclass Series: Save time with favorites

As a freelance film editor, the second thing I do whenever I’m editing on a new system is create...

Wipster + Wistia = Video Marketing Harmony

Wipster and WistiaAre pleased to announceTheir IntegrationThursday, the twenty-seventh of JulyTwo...

How to Add Tags and Descriptions in Wipster

Once you start uploading several projects to Wipster for review, a great way to stay organized is...