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Product Features (2)

The New Scope Features in Davinci Resolve 16

Each month, Blackmagic Design continues to iron out the bugs in the Resolve 16 beta, nearing...

Upload, Share, Review & Publish with the Wipster Free Plan

Nobody likes the client review process. From exporting from your editing software to uploading to...

The Best of Wipster Weekly

Top 10 Articles of 2015

Wipster Weekly has been delivering tailored video production news to your...

7 Adobe After Effects tools that don't suck

Adobe After Effects is an incredibly versatile program used in almost every facet of the film and...

#WIPChats Highlights: Motion Graphics

Yesterday we kicked off the very first in our series of Twitter chats: #WIPChats

Dropbox partners with Wipster

Why did Wipster partner With Dropbox? 

Dropbox is a leading, connected workspace that allows you to...

Collaborating with Premiere Productions and Wipster

Adobe Productions and Wipster Review across all projects

A Video-First Asset Management System: Does your Company Need One?

Do you have a hard time finding the right video file in your cluttered internal server?

Do you...

8 Online Tools to Create a High-Converting Social Video


The number of Google results when you search for ‘social media video ads’. Suffice it...

Top 5 Brand Videos of 2017 That Will Inspire You in 2018

Year after year we see brands come up with the craziest (and brilliant) video concepts and bag...